Cancer can involve significant psychological, social, and economic challenges for patients and their families. Care for the whole person, not just the diagnosis, is an important aspect of the patient’s plan of care. For this reason, the Ridley-Tree Cancer Center employs clinical social workers who provide emotional and practical support for patients, their families, and their friends. Oncology Social Workers can provide advocacy and referrals as well as individual and family counseling services.
Our Oncology Social Work staff is available at no cost, to help meet your needs. These services are available to anyone in our community, regardless of where they are receiving medical care.
Social work appointments are available in person and via Telehealth. To request an appointment, call Oncology Social Work at one of the numbers below:
- Santa Barbara (805) 879-5690
- Solvang (805) 879-5685
Services Available
Services are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
- Counseling
- Home Visits
- Relaxation/Stress Management
- Visitors Programs
- Advocacy
- Wigs & Hats - available free of charge
Assistance and Referrals for:
- Advance Healthcare Directives
- Beauty Consultation: call Beth Higgins at (805) 298-2552
- Childcare
- Disability Benefits
- Financial Assistance
- Home Health
- Individual and Family Therapy
- Insurance
- Lodging/Housing
- Long-Term Care
- Medical Equipment
- Prescription Aid
- Respite Care
- Transportation
- Welcome Back Program – haircuts: call Emily Perez at (805) 252-6495
Support Groups and Programs
Please call (805) 879-5690 for dates, times and location. Also, please check the calendar for an up-to-date schedule of groups and classes.
- Brain Tumor Support Group
- Breast Cancer - Beginning the Journey to Wellness
- Caring for the Caregiver Program
- Community Palliative Care Program
- Gynecological Cancers Support and Education Program
- Head and Neck Support Group
- Helping Children Cope When a Parent Has Cancer
- Life after Cancer Group
- Living with Lung Cancer
- Sobreviviendo el Cancer (Spanish Language Support Group)
- Prostate Cancer Discussion Group
- Young Adult Group
- Tools for Coping with a Cancer Diagnosis
For more information about our programs and services, please call our Santa Barbara office at (805) 879-5690 or our Solvang office at (805) 879-5685.
This program is made possible thanks to the generosity of the Cancer Foundation of Santa Barbara, Ridley-Tree Cancer Center’s fundraising partner.