Aquablation: New and Innovative Treatment for Enlarged Prostate
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), or an enlarged prostate, is a prostate that has grown to be larger than normal. BPH is not prostate cancer. As the prostate grows, it may constrict the urethra, making it difficult to urinate and/or apply pressure on the bladder, causing it to weaken and have difficulty emptying.
How does BPH impact men? BPH may cause two kinds of symptoms that can impact your quality of life:
Ability to hold urine – causing you to search for bathrooms throughout the day or to wake up several times a night
Emptying your bladder – causing you to push or strain when urinating or to have a weak stream that starts and stops a lot
If BPH symptoms are left untreated, bladder and kidney function may be impacted over time. Additionally, using medications for a long time to manage BPH symptoms has been shown to increase risk of heart failure and dementia.
There are different ways to treat BPH: medication, minimally-invasive procedures, and surgery. Choosing a treatment option is sometimes overwhelming for men, often resulting in choices they do not truly want. This could mean not responding well to medication, getting limited relief, having a long recovery time, or even having issues with sexual function.

Let’s talk about Aquablation therapy.
Aquablation therapy is an advanced, minimally invasive treatment for BPH that uses imaging, robotics, and a heat-free waterjet to remove prostate tissue; the therapy is supported by clinical studies that show it provides long-lasting relief with low rates of complications.
What makes Aquablation therapy unique?
- Only Aquablation combines a camera and ultrasound imaging, giving your surgeon a view of the entire prostate in real time.
- Aquablation uses a heat-free waterjet controlled by robotic technology, allowing your surgeon to safely and precisely remove prostate tissue.
How does Aquablation therapy work?
- CREATING A SURGICAL MAP: Your surgeon will create an advanced surgical map which identifies important anatomy and highlights the area of tissue to remove and the tissue to be left in place. This map guides your personalized treatment plan focused on maintaining your sexual function and continence.
- REMOVING THE PROSTATE TISSUE: Once the surgical plan is created, a robotically-controlled, heat-free waterjet removes the prostate tissue. This robotic technology ensures the prostate tissue is removed precisely, consistently, and predictably.
What results can men expect*?
Not all patients will experience the same results, clinical studies have shown that Aquablation therapy offers significant symptom relief and low rates of irreversible complications across prostates of all sizes and shapes.
- Significant improvement in urinary flow
- Preservation of continence and erections in almost all cases
- Unlike other BPH procedures, the vast majority of men can preserve ejaculation
As with any procedure, there can be side effects.
What to expect after Aquablation therapy. As with most BPH procedures, you will wake up with a catheter following Aquablation therapy, which allows you to urinate while your urethra heals. Once you're home, you may experience mild burning during urination for a couple of weeks. This can be managed with mild pain medication. Patients can resume their normal activities once approved by their doctor.
To learn more about the benefits and potential side effects of Aquablation therapy visit
1 Data on File at Procept Bio-Robotics.
* Information is based on the experience of our surgeons and their specific patient outcomes.