Dick and Maryan Schall care about others! There is an enthusiasm in their eagerness to make a difference in the lives of people in need. “I hope to be remembered as someone who cared,” commented Maryan. Dick was equally engaged, saying when asked, “I would like my tombstone to read, ‘He tried to make things better.’”
As life-long residents of Minneapolis, the Schalls began giving of their time and energy long before they could do so in any financially-meaningful way. In the early years of their marriage, which began in 1951, their contributions came in the form of community volunteerism, with an emphasis on arts organizations and school functions, such as PTA. Sharing their resources, material or personal, has always been of importance to both of them.
Dick and Maryan have a special place in their hearts for the value of education, perhaps enhanced by their having both been the first generation of their families to graduate from college – Dick from Macalester College in St. Paul (where he was the first alumnus to Chair the Board of Trustees, and where he was recently honored for his “distinguished service”) and Maryan from the University of Minnesota (where she graduated Phi Beta Kappa, with high honors). When their four children were in elementary school, Dick graduated from the Harvard Advanced Management Program, and when those children were in high school, Maryan returned to the University, earning two masters and a PhD.
The Schalls’ respect for the value of education is reflected locally by their major support of Santa Barbara City College and the Scholarship Foundation of Santa Barbara. They are also longtime supporters of DRI, CALM, CADA, PPSBVSLO, and the Santa Barbara Foundation, among many other local non-profits.
After Dick’s distinguished career in business, much of which was split between General Mills and the Dayton-Hudson Corporation, the Schalls left the frozen north for the warmth and comfortable confines of beautiful Santa Barbara. When they arrived here, they were eager to find the kind of healthcare that would match the excellent personal and professional experience they were accustomed to in Minneapolis – a facility offering comprehensive healthcare through teamwork and community collaboration. They found it nicely presented at Sansum Clinic!
The Schalls’ relationship with Sansum Clinic has grown and thrived over the years. During that time, they have worked with many Sansum providers, with Dr. Kurt Ransohoff’s impactful oversight of Dick’s care being particularly meaningful. Maryan joined the Board of Trustees in 1994, serving for 12 years. She continues to serve as an Honorary Trustee. During her active Board years, Maryan was responsible for developing comprehensive new policies with regard to board membership and governance. During all these years, the Schalls have been major donors to the Clinic.
Sansum Clinic is a grateful recipient of the Schalls’ generous support. As Maryan says, “What could be more important than supporting the people who manage your health and well-being?”
It will come as no surprise that Maryan and Dick have also provided a legacy gift for Sansum Clinic, to help insure that future generations will have access to the superior healthcare they’ve experienced there. The Schalls proclaim that “Sansum is a community treasure!”
Sadly, Dick passed away in April 2015 but he will always be remembered for making things better.

Back row: Doug Saglio, David Schall, Jeff Davis, Dick Schall Center row: Dawn Saglio, Maryan Schall, Caryn Schall, Patty Schall Front row: Janny Gothro, Geoff Gothro